I am Hope Mutafela Hope and I am 23 years old, currently, I am a student at ICOF University, studying Clinical Medicine under a Government scholarship.

I come from a family of four and am the first born all girls. Both my parents are alive but my mum and dad divorced when I was in my seventh grade so it became difficult for my mum to pay school fees for me. Luckily, a distant Aunt started paying for my school fees until I wrote my grade nine exams. After that, she went quiet so it was hard for me report for school when I passed my grade nine because my mum had no source of income. She was the only one taking care of me and my young sisters, and she just couldn’t manage to pay my school fees until a certain neighbor, who was friends with mum, lent her money for my school fees.
The financial struggles caused me to report late for school and I found they had already started learning. In term two, our guidance teacher by the name of Mrs. Chibamba at David Livingstone Secondary School came into our class and asked if anyone in our class hadn’t paid school fees. Most of my classmates didn’t raise their hands as they had already paid, only me and two other girls raised our hands. She then told us to see her after class, which we did. She interviewed us and told us about Response Network and the work that they do. She helped us put in an application for sponsorship and thankfully, I was accepted. I recall sharing the news with my mum and she so was overwhelmed and relieved that she almost cried. She was so happy that the school fees burden was now over and that her first born would finish her secondary education.
Response Network started sponsoring from me from 2015 until I completed Grade 12 in 2017. In 2018, I applied for under the skills training program and was once again grateful to receive sponsorship for my skills course. I studied power electrical and wrote my exams in 2019. I passed with the trade test level 1 certificate.

RN has been extremely helpful because they not only paid my tuition but provided me with all the requirements I needed in school. Besides that, their constant love, support and encouragement made me work even harder because I wanted to make them and myself proud. I didn’t imagine myself where I am today and if not for Response Network, I would not be in the position I am in in life. I am forever grateful to RN and to God.
May God continue to bless the organization so that people who came after me will also benefit and have their lives changed. I also want encourage my fellow Kubala Girls to keep working hard. Let’s remember that not everyone is afforded such a great opportunity like we have. Let’s continue to making RN proud. To Response Network team, thank you, twaluba, luitumezhi, zikhomo,twatotala.