How sports made me a goal-getter

My life has not been the same since I met the facilitators from Response Network because I used to be a very reserved and was too shy to talk to my parents about who I want to become in life. I was born in Monze but raised and started school in Kasikili where I reside now. Growing up with self-hate and unaccommodating friends was my way of life.

I really thank Response Network for coming into our area to teach us about how to build self-confidence, self-esteem, focus, and how to make new friends. Because of Kids Athletics, I am able to have positive influence on other youths to help them be more self-confident and urge them to participate in sports.

I made a lot of friends and managed to participate in the National Kids Athletics event in Lusaka. I traveled to Lusaka for the very first time in 2019 and got to know new places, enjoyed life in the hotels and playing with new friends from all over Zambia. I am so grateful I am no longer a shy person like I used to be. Thanks to Response Network for encouraging and teaching me to have personal goals while we are still young. I developed the confidence to talk to my parents and share with them that I wanted to be an entrepreneur. My father then gave me two chickens, one goat and one sheep. Currently, I have 13 chickens, four goats and two sheep. My target is to own a cow of my own before I complete school.

I am no longer the same because of sports. Thanks to sports, I have improved in terms of my academic performance at school because sports has taught me to set targets for myself and I do this each time we write exams. This has proven to me that as long as I desire something and put all my effort into it, anything is possible. Sports has also made me well known in my area and I am a positive role model to young girls. Going to Lusaka for sports was the best moment in my entire life and I will never forget it.

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