Volunteer Review

Good Morning RN family! It is another beautiful and sunny day in Livingstone, looks like it’s going to be another scorcher today so if you’re in the area, make sure to stay hydrated and avoid staying in direct sunlight for extended periods.

A look at our temporal home over the 3 days in Jokwe

We’ve developed a series to catch you up on what’s been going on, starting with the volunteer review we’ve had this week and that was held in Jokwe. As everyone knows, RN’s volunteers are a major part of our operations and without them, we wouldn’t be able to do what we do. Our volunteers are our contacts on the ground and are in charge of day-to-day work with our beneficiaries in the rural areas. It’s imperative for any organization to have check-in meetings and reviews to ensure that things run smoothly, challenges are solved, and crises averted before they have a chance to sprout.

Volunteers ready to get started

We had a fruitful few days with all the volunteers from our programs including, the Sports Program, Village Program, and Self-Help Group program. The volunteers were all able to learn something new about the importance of their roles and got a deeper understanding of each other’s programs and each other as individuals.

Programs Manager Florence Choongo sharing her knowledge

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