As it appeares in the Mast Newspaper of February 27, 2018
RN to sponsor vulnerable girls in unversity, college
By Edwin Mbulo
A LIVINGSTONE based non-governmental organisation has offered to sponsor four vulnerable girls for higher education training at any university or college.
And Response Network sponsorship officer Frayor Chabauni who is says her organisation is currently enlisting vulnerable girls for skills training sponsorship.
“We have about 85 vulnerable girls who completed Grade 12 last year under our educational fees sponsorship programme with the aid of Academic Works which operates in Europe. We under our sponsorship programme aim to ensure that vulnerable children whose guardians cannot afford to pay school, university or college fees get the desired education as long as they perform very well,” Chabauni said.
“For those girls who cannot make into university or college we encourage them to get skills training, so that they can be able to work on their own or finding a job. We have catering, tailoring, power electrical and auto mechanics skills training slots. We don’t want them to be so much dependent on the government for employment.”
She added that in 2016 two girls performed so well at Grade 12 level, and now studying medicine and adult education at university.
Chabauni further added that the girls who would successfully complete the tailoring course would be assisted with sewing machines as a starter pack.
“We will also contract them to make school uniforms which they can sale locally,” she said.
Chabauni added that Response Network had assisted thousands of vulnerable school children attain education and get skills training.
And addressing the vulnerable girls at a meeting held at Response Network offices in Livingstone, Chabauni urged the girls who completed school last year to decide what they wanted to do in life.
The girls who individually gave Chabauni their results said they want to pursue nursing, military clinical medicine, tailoring, catering, banking and finance.
Responsible Network under the country management of Håkon Spigseth Response Network also spearheads self-help projects education, health, agriculture, education, sports and micro-economics.
It currently operates in Zimba, Kazungula and Kalomo in Southern Province with the support of Academic Work (Sweden), Norwegian Church AID (NCA), the Joint Country Programme (JCP) formerly Norwegian Association of the Disabled (NAD), Norwegian Olympic and Paralympics Committee and Confederation of Sport (NIF), Judo for Fred, and several other organizations.