An interview can be a nerve-wracking thing in any circumstance but when we’re talking about a possible once in a lifetime opportunity, the pressure surely amps up a notch.
We recently held interviews for a program run here at RN called the Youth Sport Exchange Program or YSEP as it is commonly referred to as. The program entails a stated number of volunteers being sent to a different country for a 10 month period. We previously reported about our YSEP volunteers to Norway and Malawi Moses and Patience, who have been fitting in quite well and our Norwegian volunteers to Zambia Daniella and Linn-Kristine were doing so well, sadly due to the dire health situation all over the globe, they will be returning to Norway shortly.
However, the show must in the meantime go on and we invited six hopefuls for interviews in order to select one qualified individual who will be sent on the exchange program to Malawi! For a lot of people in Zambia, the possibility of travel inside the country is a huge deal, so what more being able to travel abroad or overseas? We met the possible candidates for the exchange and after a somewhat grueling process where the selection committee had individual interviews with the candidates followed by group practical/demonstration session, one person was selected to represent RN, their community and Zambia when the time comes. We’ll introduce him to all of you in due time. Of course, all this hinges upon the guidelines and restrictions that might be in place at that time due to COVID-19. We’ll keep our prayer hats on that a solution is found sooner rather than later. This post strayed away from the initial headline quite a bit, but it had to done. That being said, stay safe and stay healthy everyone!