Vinic in class during her time at LIBES

Though our lovely young women have completed their respective courses under the Ready to Earn project, we take a look back at each one individually with pride and fond memories. Today, we look back at Vinic’s build up onto the program.

My name is Vinic Siamanenga and I was born on 25th May 1999 at Luyaba Health post. I am the second born in a family of 7 with  5 girls and 2 boys. I started my primary School at Kakkopa primary School from grade 1 to grade 7 and during my Primary, it was my parents who supported me. I wrote my grade 7 from Luyaba Basic since Kakkopa didn’t have an examination center. From 2014 to 2015 I was studying at Luyaba Basic where I wrote my grade 8 and 9, after passing my exams in 2016 I went to Kalomo Secondary where I did my grade 10 to 12.  In 2018 I completed my grade 12 and I only passed 5 subjects my parents advised me to rewrite the subjects that I had failed. In 2021 I rewrote the 3 subjects. In early September 2021, I heard of the Ready to Earn project which my friends from our Netball team were talking about and I got interested since Response Network was holding meetings with headmen.

I told my parents about the project, and they were very supportive. I went for interviews after they had announced that there will be interviews by Response Network. I went through the interviews and  I was selected to go and do tailoring at LIBES Livingstone. I feel happy and I knew that God is there for me, I was given a chance to do what I always dreamt of, Fashion and Design.

In this opportunity that has been given to us, I would like to thank Response Network and the Project Coordinator for having identified me and the other young women  in this program because it has helped us a lot. It has helped us in many ways, we have been exposed to different types of designs and also learn about communication skills.

 I now feel able to create change in my community by helping more young women with the knowledge and skills that I have benefited from this project. I have also benefited from the workshop we attended in Nyawa where I learned how to communicate with customers, how to sell products, how to maintain a business, and how to become an entrepreneur.

 In the next 5 years, I want to see myself having a good life, being a boss, and partnering with other professional designers.  I also want to help my family by looking after my siblings and teaching them how to have confidence and also telling them to work hard so that they can able to live a good life.

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