They say disability is not inability and this can be seen through the inspiring young lady whose story we are sharing with you today. Rudo was born with her legs “curled up” and had to have multiple surgeries to, if not completely correct her situation, but to at least give her some mobility in her legs. After multiple surgeries by the age of 11, Rudo was still unable to completely stretch her legs or walk unaided.

Rudo with her baby sister

Rudo absolutely loves school and loves to learn. She would make the 2km journey to and from school on crutches and also with the help of her brothers. Sadly, the older she got, naturally, the more weight she gained until she was unable to support herself on the crutches. She was given the crutches seen below by some nuns or sisters from the Church who were a big part of her life and for whom she feels a ton of gratitude. At this time, Rudo was going through it in life, she desperately just wanted to go to school to learn and see her friends. As any child would. She then started to ‘crawl’/pull herself along the dusty road to go to school. Seeing her demonstrate how she would try and drag herself to the school was truly heartbreaking and really showed her determination to go to school. Of course, this method was not at all sustainable in the long-term and she began to stay home. This took a toll on Rudo who understandably fell into low spirits.

Thankfully, we have been able to provide Rudo with the opportunity to attend an inclusive school in Monze town. At this school, Rudo will be able to stay in the on-campus boarding facility and receive the attention she requires from the teachers who are trained and accustomed to working with children with special needs. Rudo has taken to her new school like a fish to water and we couldn’t be happier for her. We’ll be keeping you updated on Rudo’s story as time goes by. For now, schools have been closed due to the pandemic, so Rudo is back home with her family until the situation improves.

Despite Rudo’s physical challenges, she is an adorably happy girl and loves to help out around their homestead. She helps cook for the family, does dishes and can even sweep around their home. Rudo doesn’t let her challenges get the best of her and strives to always do her best, which is truly inspiring.

For pictures of Rudo, visit our Facebook page at Response Network.

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