Its been an interesting time watching our sponsorship or Kubala girls learning how to utilize a computer. Generally computers aren’t high up on the list of priorities in terms of education in Zambia. But with the immersion of the world in the technological age, it has become imperative that everyone understand the basics of computer use.

The kubala girls’ computer tutor, Mr. Apuleni, has been kept quite busy orienting the girls with computers. The girls have been acquainted with the functions of the computer, hardware,, the keyboard, RAM and hard drive. He often gives them tasks to see how well they are progressing and according to him they have been very responsive to the tasks given to them.
The girls have been taking their practicals very seriously and have been looking at how to create files, folders and documents. He teaches them how to create documents based on the activities they have in school and then separating these documents into their respective folders which they have created.

The beginning of August marked the start of their exams, both theory and practical. The girls that did the best in these exams are going to be awarded certificates by our visiting partners at Academic Work in November. The girls are very excited and each one of them tried their best to make sure that they are eligible for a certificate.
The best part about this is the appreciation the girls have for being afforded the opportunity to work and practice on these computers. Computers and computer lessons are few and far between in Government schools so the girls are truly grateful to have a chance to practice on these computers which were sponsored by Academic Work.