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Under the Zambian sun.
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Monday meeting and all the staff are gathered at the office in Livingstone
This week has been everything but normal. We have spent some days in different villages in southern part of Zambia, where RN provides self-help facilitation. Camping in the bush, having…
The kicking Aids out General assembly is going on right now in kenya and the participants are getting ready to vote in a new Advisory committee, the spirits are high…
A couple of days have passed since we arrived. The heat, the smell, the landscape, the red sand and all the people maked a great sense of impression – in…
My name is Anna Kullendorff. My ordinary office is at Academic Work in Stockholm, and right now that feels pretty far away. Until the end of the year I will…
Tusime Community Pre school. Acting headman Sikumba poses with children from Tusime community pre-school.This pre-school is as a result of the self help facilitation on need…
Teacher Angela with her pupils @ Tusime pre school The Children in Sikumba village in Kazungula District have been handed the best gift by their parents. Having…