RN has partnered with KnH of Germany which supports the implementation of a very well established Self-Help method called the Self Help Group. This approach has many similarities with the main RN approach, through working with the poorest of the women and gives them opportunities to improve their lives by borrowing money from their own “village banks” (save and borrow). They use the borrowed money to start business and many women are doing fine and are now able to sustain their lives and families. At the end of the month the loan will be paid back with an interest of 10%.
Every year the groups under Response Network meet with groups in other organisations to share experiences and ideas. This year the sharing of experiences and Ideas was done between NZP+ Kalomo Chapter and Response Network which was held at Matengu Primary School in chief Musokotwane in Kazungula District.
The two Promoting Organizations of Self Help Group Approach conduct the function annually but NZP+ has done this for the first time to visit Response Network since 2010. Response Network visited NZP+ Kalomo twice in 2011 and 2012.
During this function of sharing ideas and learning from one another, SHG members looked at the benefits of becoming an SHG member, roles of SHG members in a group, functions and features of an SHG, CLA committee members looked at roles/responsibilities of the CLAs, annual work plans; their achievements, challenges, solutions and forward plans.
The two POs talked about the importance of self assessment for both the SHGs and CLAs, and also the need to have all the three levels of the people’s institution in the community.