“I will forever be grateful to Response Network for believing in me and investing in my future,”
says Kelvin Kanenge, a young man whose radiant smile brightens the lives of those around him.
Kelvin embarked on a life-changing journey when he enrolled in skills training at the Zimba
Center for Rural and Youth Development in April of last year. His dedication and hard work paid
off as he successfully completed the program, proudly graduating on the 19th of August this
year, with a certificate in General Agriculture.
Kelvin’s path to success was not without obstacles. Despite his unwavering passion for
agriculture, he initially lacked the means to pursue his dreams. Growing up in Kanyanga village
of Kalomo area, Kelvin’s family relied primarily on farming for income, and financial constraints
limited his opportunities.
However, fate had other plans for Kelvin. The turning point came when the Response Network
sports team recognized his potential and recommended him for the village skills training
program. This opportunity was a lifeline for Kelvin, who had always dreamed of a future in
Kelvin’s passion for agriculture had been evident even during his secondary school years when
he voluntarily chose it as an optional subject. It was during these years that his interest in
farming blossomed, and he realized his calling. But it wasn’t until he joined the Zimba Skills
Center that he could turn this passion into a reality.
Notably, among all the skills he acquired, Kelvin found himself particularly drawn to poultry
farming. He has a vision for his future, one where he becomes a successful poultry farmer,
contributing not only to his family’s well-being but also to the nation’s food security. His dreams
are fueled by gratitude, as he looks back on the incredible support and empowerment he
received from Response Network.