International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

On the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, the color orange is used to represent a brighter future, free from violence against women and girls.

At a time when women’s rights are largely high at risk, it is paramount that we all join the conversation and be advocates to end violence against women.

Instead of moving forward, current and recent events paint the picture of women’s rights moving backwards instead of forwards, from decisions being made on their behalf regarding their own reproductive choices to persecution of religious beliefs, women are in fear of being silenced left and right.

“Violence against women and girls continues to be amplified in digital spaces, particularly targeting those who are active in political and public life, exercising their freedoms of expression, peaceful assembly, and association. Women human rights defenders, women lawyers, women politicians and journalists and women and girls belonging to minority groups are often targets. While several State and non-State actors have taken important initiatives to strengthen normative frameworks for the prevention of online violence against women and girls and to improve protection, much remains to be done. Technology providers and intermediaries need to strengthen cooperation with human rights mechanisms and develop coordinated strategies in partnership with States, tech companies and other relevant stakeholders,” says the United Nations.

Despite the monumental collective challenges confronting women and girls worldwide, established normative frameworks that ensure the enjoyment of human rights by women and girls and their protection are being systematically undermined by a range of State and non-State actors attempting to reverse the gains made in achieving gender equality. States must demonstrate active commitment to their responsibilities by countering false narratives that seek to discredit these crucial legal frameworks and to ensuring their relevance and viability.

To address the ongoing complex crises of our times, as well as other issues that affect the lives of women and girls, all stakeholders must apply a robust and transformative gender lens and human rights-based approach to all their undertakings and initiatives.” says an exerpt taken from the UN circular on this important day.

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