Meet Regina Makai. Regina is currently on our sponsorship program, being supported by Delta Kappa Gamma Society and pursuing a Junior Secondary Teaching Diploma, majoring in English and Physical Education. With a ready smile for anyone who approaches her and a warm aura that puts all at ease, one would never guess the arduous road this young lady has had to traverse.

Abandoned by her father, leaving her mother to fend for herself and resulting in Regina being moved from home to home across the country, being cared for by relatives. This instilled in Regina a strong sense of resilience and the value of education. She is the fourth child and the only girl in the family and resides in a modest home with her mother and some of her siblings who have not yet wed.

Regina and her mother packaging the goods they sell in their ‘ka ntemba’

To make ends meet, Regina’s mother has had several temp jobs here and there and currently runs a small informal shop called a ‘ka ntemba’ where they sell tomatoes, mealie meal, fish, and charcoal among other things. On a regular day, Regina will wake up at around 6 a.m to assist her mother in some household chores before starting off for school where she spends the day until half past 6. Upon returning home, she will once again help her mother with house chores and packaging products for their shop.

The informal shop/’ka ntemba’ where they sell various items

When asked how she feels about the support she has been given, Regina had this to say, “the sponsorship I have received means a lot to me. I wouldn’t be where I am without it and I probably would have gotten into other vices such as beer drinking like some of my peers”. Her mother added that she thanks God for Delta Kappa Gamma and Response Network as there is no way she would have managed to pay for her child’s education. She said that she prays her sponsors and RN will continue to grow and carry on the good work they do for people.

If you or anyone you know would like to sponsor a child and help give them the chance at a better future, contact us at mail@responsenetwork.org.

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