Zimbabweans flock to Livingstone for basic needs as economic crisis continues

DESPITE the heavy security forces in major towns of Zimbabwe, the neighbouring town of that country with Zambia, Victoria Falls is relatively calm.
However, the town has had no fuel for weeks now forcing many Zimbabwean motorists including government officials to drive into Livingstone to purchase the commodity.
The other calamity that affects the residents of Victoria Falls town is that there are no shops stocking school requisites such as books and also there are no stationary shops to service the business community and offices.
This scenario has led to an increased influx of Zimbabweans into Livingstone causing long queues as at last week into this week at a major stationary shop in Livingstone called Bhukhans.
It is reported that Zimbabweans resale the school books for as much as US$ 3 to 10, while a ream of paper is fetching as much as US$30.
Many of the Zimbabweans have also found it easy to buy food from some take away restaurants such as Hungry Lion and also buy some groceries from Shoprite Chain stores in Livingstone as most shops in that city are either closed for fear of looting or have no products to sale at all.

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