Norwegian Professor encourages sudents visits between Zambia and Norway

PROFESSOR Nina Emaus of the Actic University of Norway in the department of health and care sciences says students visits between Zambia and her country are a long log term investment on building competence.

In an interview after visiting Nampongo village North-West of Livingstone City South of Zambia, Prof Emaus said she would like to see more Norwegian students visit Zambia.

“Students visits between Zambia and Norway must continue because it is a long term investment on building competence,” Prof Emaus said.

She added that she was happy to learn how Zambians live in rural areas.

Prof Emaus further added that she wanted to get an impression of how Response Network works with rural communities.

“I am happy to see the school (Nampongo Community School which  is receiving aid from Response Network) and the challenges that people
face, I now know what our students are doing and for me to be a partner in this and to discuss what we can do on the steps ahead,” she

“We put emphasis on cross professional training and learning and this can be expanded here,” Prof Emaus said.

And Helen Egestad who is the head of the Radiography Programme at the Actic University of Norway also visited the Livingstone Central


Meanwhile, Marianne Olsen who is the International coordinator for Occupational Therapy at the Actic University of Norway said the students’ visits help in enhancing Zambia’s development.

Professor Nina Emaus in Nampongo village, Southern Zambia

And Regina Swana who is the host mother for Norwegian students who visit Nampongo village said the students in Occupational Therapy have assisted a six year-old to walk and at a time their families had given up.

Swana added that another woman who was using walking sticks due persistent back-ache was now walking upright and says the pain had
gone after the Norwegian students commenced therapy.

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