Like every year, RN participated in the annual Southern Tourism, Agricultural and Commercial Show (STACSS) for 2017 which was held from 13th to 16th July in Livingstone. The theme this year was “Promoting a Green Economy” which is in line with the national theme of reaching the SDGs of sustainable development of 2030. This was perfect as is it also in line with our way of working, particular with the organic vegetable growing that many of the clubs and self-help groups are doing with our support.
The show is a great opportunity for different businesses, Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and Government ministries to showcase the different services and merchandise that they offer to the community.
In the past years that we have participated we have impressed the judges and won several prizes in the NGO category. We are proud to have won the second place in the overall NGO category this year. Our team put in a lot of hard work and our stand gave an insight in to the variety of programs that RN provides.
In addition to this our own co-worker and sensei Mama and her talented Judo group presented their skills during the opening ceremony, showcasing another of the thematic areas RN work in.