Meet Josephine

During the show we are helped by volunteers that are connected to RN in different ways. This year we had Violet Shinguluma from Tujatishe Self-Help Group and Josephine Lishomwa from Lwikute Women’s Club. Josephine shared some insight into how the club works and how it is for her to be at the show.

Josephine and the products



















Josephine is 38 years old and has been a member for the club since 2012. The club is based in Buiketo village, 45 km from Livingstone. They are 10 women and 1 man in the club. The members grow produce such as maize, cow peas, ground nuts and sorghum together. After harvesting, they cook and dry the produce they have grown, so that during the dry season they can sell it or have a back up for food. During the show she sells their different produce, and then shares the income, ensuring that all members benefit from participating in the show, in addition to giving invaluable help for us during the show days.

Josephine has been to the show once before, and says “I like to be in the show to learn and get ideas for new opportunities”.


The products from the SHG and Women's Club


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