Have a little HOPE

We have a new program starting in 2017 called the HOPE progam. HOPE stands for Hope, Opportunity, Participation, Empowerment and will be run by Response Network and Norwegian based SMISO. SMISO (Støttensenter Mot Incest og Seksuelle Overgrep) is a Non-Governmental Organization located in Tromsø, Norway. It is part of a national network in Norway and offers support and guidance to individuals and families that have experienced incest or sexual abuse.

The purpose of this program is to exchange experience and build competence on preventing and coping with incest and sexual abuse in partner organizations and in the communities in Norway and Zambia. Not only this but also to create awareness regarding incest and sexual abuse for refugees and other people descending from a different culture than Norwegian in Tromsø. Including increasing the culture sensitivity when dealing with people who have been subjected to abuse and related issues.

RN is sending two participants, namely Maunga Kapika and Audrain Muloongo. We caught up with them on their return from their orientation in Johannesburg and they gave us a short insight into how they are feeling.

Maunga Kapika

Maunga Kapika says, “from my exchange, i am expecting to gain experience and knowledge that i can bring back to my home organization and to my community as well. I would also like to gain more knowledge in sexual abuse and get exposure as i am ready to share my experience with SMISO. I look forward to experiencing a different culture and socialize”.

Audrain Muloongo

I am looking forward to having more knowledge on issues pertaining to incest, sexual abuse and their consequences. I would also like to share ideas on how we can educate people on good morals and about respecting human rights. It will also be interesting to see how issues of GBV and sexual abuse are handled in Norway. I am excited to be going overseas though there will be some challenges of climate, culture, homesickness and unfamiliar food,” says Audrain.

With this program, we have also received two participants from Norway. We will be getting to know Preciosa Luraas and Arja Bjørn in some later posts.


Thank you for reading our latest blog.


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