Regatta 2016

The Livingstone regatta has a long and rich history. A regatta is a sporting event consisting of a series of boat or yacht races. The Livingstone regatta has been a part of Response Network’s activities for quite a while. At some point, even our Director would hop in the boat and row along with the best of them. The regatta has also seen the inclusion of our sponsorship girls because as we all know, sport activities are an integral part of RN’s agenda.

The aim of participating in the regatta is not really to win but just to take part and have fun while doing it, the added exercise is simply a bonus. The girls really do try their best in all the activities and row their little hearts out, usually with help from some RN staff members. This year, the regatta was held on Saturday, October 15th and though everyone who participated tried their utmost best, we were unable to scoop up a trophy. That being said, everyone had a blast at the event and are determined to take that first place trophy next year. Through all the spills and tumbles from the boat, everyone was in high spirits by then end of it and vowed to kick it up a notch ahead of next year’s competition.

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