Kicking Aids Out (KAO) is an international concept that uses sports as a tool to create awareness about HIV/AIDS and other health related issues. KAO is delivered in levels, There is Peer Leader, Leader Level 1 and Leader level 2. With T-O-T, Leader Level 1 is conducted, this is also a refresher course for Peer Leader Level which is aimed at training peer educators who will train and recruit peer leaders who will then train their peers on how to implement KAO activities and create awareness on issues that affects youths in their respective clubs.
We had a refresher course on August 31st with the sponsorship aka kubala girls and in this workshop, the girls were given the opportunity to air out the problems that they face and were advised on how best they can tackle these problems. Among the topics discussed was reproductive health and how sports can be used to create awareness about HIV, which was followed by some movement games.
One of the attendees, Mutinta, said that before starting KAO, she socialized with a bad peer group who were influencing her to have boyfriends and to drink. However, once she started attending the KAO workshops, she realized that what she was doing was not good and she felt like dropping out of school due to all the peer pressure. She however said that she persevered thanks to KAO held by Response Network and is thankful to have received the knowledge imparted during the workshops. She stated that she knows there are girls out there who are following a bad road and she is excited and geared to spread the information she has learned to her fellow peers.