The period we dubbed ‘show season’ due to the various district shows we have in the country is almost over. Its over for RN, though there is still an upcoming show in the capital city of Lusaka.
We told you about the Kazungula district show that we participated in on the 23rd and 24th of June and we also participated in the Livingstone show which is kind of a big deal as people and organizations come from all over and the event is usually graced by one or other minister. The show is called the Southern Tourism, Agriculture and Commercial Show or STACSS for short. The STACSS show took place on July 21st to July 24th under the them “Managing the environment for growth” and companies and organizations of all sorts turned out to showcase their goods and services. There were restaurants set up, live entertainment and even some popular nightclubs were there to exhibit.
This year the STACSS was celebrating its 10th Anniversary just like RN did in October last year (we did a blog post about it in case you missed it). That being said, the show society tried to make this year’s show bigger and better than ever. There was a very popular play area set up for the kids with ‘train’ rides, jumping castle (bouncy house to some), as well as some water sports including a giant hamster ball that kids could get into and float on the water with and also small inflatable paddle boats set up in a big pool. Of course one could still find the usual fare of candy floss (or cotton candy) and face painters, etc. Among the exhibitors were radio stations like radio mosi-o-tunya, our national broadcaster ZNBC, milling companies such as national milling and musanza milling, the energy regulation board (ERB), the national electricity provider ZESCO, popular Italian restaurant Da Canton, our neighbors here at our offices Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) as well as SOS.
The prize giving ceremony took place on Saturday June 23rd and RN director Hakon Spigseth was in attendance. We are all pleased that Response Network was honored with the first place trophy for the NGO sector. A big thank you to all those who believe in and appreciate the work that we do and also to all our donors who make our work possible. Pictures below and also on our social media pages 🙂