
As one can probably ascertain from the title, we have been working a little magic and revamping a certain area here at our RN offices. I’m talking about the Resource Center (RC) that was so generously donated by our friends and partners at Academic Work of Sweden on March 21st 2015.

The RC is used by our sponsorship girls aka Kubala Girls (which means ‘reading girls’) during school days. There they are taught computer lessons by their vigilant computer tutor and our resident IT Technician, Mizinga Apuleni. The girls are taught computer terms, internet use, typing and general computer navigation and to keep them on their toes, their tutor often gives them pop quizzes and tests.

The girls also use the center to catch up on their school work and to study for exams and tests. The girls enjoy their computer lessons very much because they have to take computer as a subject in school but shockingly most of them don’t even have access to computers in their schools! Thus we can see how very important the RC is for the girls not only to do well in school but it also gives them the tools to thrive in this modern age of computers and various technologies.

On behalf of all our girls, we would like to send a big THANK YOU to Academic Work for their tireless efforts in helping the girl child reach greater heights in this “man’s world” and for giving them the tools they need in order to better not only their own lives, but the lives of their families and surrounding community members.

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