Never a right time to say goodbye

Well, its official, our fun and charismatic Youth and Sport Exchange Program (YSEP) volunteers have officially left. It was a bittersweet moment at RN. I’m sure i speak for everyone when i say we really did not want them to leave but alas they must go spread their wings and disseminate some of the lessons and information they received during their 10 month stay in Zambia.

Both Christian and Annette are very keen to return to Zambia at some later date but I’m sure both were equally just as glad to get on their respective home bound planes.

Annette had this to say before she departed. “Response Network has really made me to have a bond that will never be broken anytime soon. I thank everyone at RN for all the beautiful contributions in my life that i will never forget, they have really made positive contributions. The farewell party held for the YSEP volunteers was an amazing event because it was a big surprise on my side when it came to the farewell cake, it was the best i have ever had in my life. At times on our journey of life, we meet people who are not easily forgotten. Response Network i thank you for the love and comfort that you have given me.”

Truly some heartwarming sentiments right there and we reciprocate all of them. We hope they have learned a thing or two from their experience here and that they can also make a positive and lasting impact in others’ lives.

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