More students visit Response Network

More and more students especially from Norway and Sweden visit the program to work with  self-help clubs in the villages which have started as a result of our program.

By linking them up to Response Network volunteers in the communities they are able to get information which will help them in completing their bachelors or masters degrees.  Either within Health and Nutrition, Disability, education, organic farming, or any other topic which fits into what Response Network is working with.

The students having a light mement with their host family
The students having a light mement with their host family

On 27th March, 2014, university students Matilda Søderstrom and Sofia Groth from Sweden, supported by SIDA, visited Zambia for their academic experience on disability  in the Response Network program.  They are interviewing volunteers and people in support clubs for people with disabilities which have started up because of our facilitation.

Teaching children how to play chess
Teaching children how to play chess


The first quarter of 2014 has on average seen about 80 visitors visiting Response Network, who are getting a unique experience of village life and how a development program can improve people’s life situation. Enjoy your stay and go and spread the “gospel” of  Response Network and how we by simple means can help people help themselves!

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