We just cant wait!!!

RN staff giving the details of the barbeque to the girls
RN staff giving the details of the barbeque to the girls


The date is slowly drawing nearer and our sponsored girls are getting more excited. 14 staff from Academic Work of Sweden is visiting us from 20th to 23rd of November. They will visit community schools which they have supported through RN, and will also spend a night in the village, sleeping in traditional homes.

Girls waiting patiently for the programme
Girls waiting patiently for the programme


Later they will meet 130 of the girls which are being sponsored by them. These girls are students at different schools in Livingstone. This will be a barbeque and interaction with the girls. For the girls that will attend the barbeque it will be a life time moment to remember and they are all excited.

The smile tells it all
The smile tells it all


The staff at Response Network is also happy and can’t wait to have this team arrive. Children that have been selected from different schools have been coming all excited to get details of the programme.

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