Athletes in Sponsorship programme

The children under the sponsorship programme have not only concentrated on improving their academic performance, they are also improving their sports skills. Response Network has been invited to participate in anti human trafficking and forced labor fun run race by the International Labour Organization. The girls are training intensively in preparation for this race.

Some of these girls have participated in athletics and have represented their schools from the Zonal level to the district level up to the provincial level. An example is Lillian Siyasayi a grade 7 pupil at Namatamaa Primary School who represented her school and came third at the provincial race.

The girls doing warm up before competing amongst themselves as the prepare for the fun run
The girls doing warm up before competing amongst themselves as the prepare for the fun run


The girls racing in readyness for the fun race
The girls racing in readyness for the fun race


We are very confident that these girls will make a very good time, have fun and will represent the Response Network very well. It all starts with one step, who knows maybe these girls might participate in the Olympics in the future and may be the next Marion Jones

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