Sports and disabilities in Response Network

Sport for development is one of the programs implemented by Response Network. RN has empowered communities’ sports in rural areas of Kazungula and Kalomo Districts in Southern Province as part of its self-help programme since 2005.Everyone is able to participate regardless of gender, status and ethnic. An inclusive sport for people living with disability (PLWD) is one of the major sports capacity building programs being implemented this year in Kazungula District. The disabled in the communities are in minority and there is no system which allows them to participate in community sports activities, with this in view Response Network has come up with a Specific program to integrate disabled in  community sport by training the community together  with   them,   accompanied by relatives, friends  and community sports club leaders.

A parent accompanying his son to the sports field for a workshop
A parent accompanying his son to the sports field for a workshop


There are many myths and challenges which disabled, and those working to help out, have to struggle with.  Some are that they can’t lead others, they can’t participate in sports, they are marginalised, their voice can’t be heard, they are being laughed when they are in public places, and some guardians are seen to practise witchcraft as a way to gain Wealth. Some of the Inclusive games and activities for disabled introduced so far in villages are:  seating volleyball, Darts, Archery, Goal ball, and traditional Games. Communities are now very motivated to organise activities for the disabled. Maybe next is participation in Paralympics games and we can’t wait to see this happen!!!!!

A facilitator from RN sensitising the community abouts sports for the disabled
A facilitator from RN sensitising the community abouts sports for the disabled

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