
So, everything comes to an end. Sadly. After a fantastic time in Zambia, we are now about to leave. It´s been a memorable time and it will probably take lots of time to digest all impressions. If ever.

It´s been interesting to see the impressive work Response Network makes for the people in Zambia. RN has a strong belief in the capacity of the people and it´s thrilling to see these people taking small steps out of poverty.





Mushale kabotu, twaluba pa chindi cho twakala andumwe.

Mushale bwino, twatotela panshita eyo twali naimwe.

Musale bwino, taonga zikomo pantawu yamene tenze naemwe.

We mukuwas will miss you loads!





Now we are heading down to Cape Town for Christmas! See you all in Sweden next year!

Merry Christmas!


















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