
When poverty and hunger speaks, donations might end up in wrong hands.

Response Network has another way of doing development aid, rather than the traditional donations. They believe that self-esteem, knowledge and creativity grow with responsibility. By letting the local people do most of the work themselves in village self help programs, it makes them take sustainable steps forward from poverty.

Village self help starts with a motovation meeting provided by Response Network.  When the local people shows engagement and enthusiasm of in one or more of RN´s motivations programs – RN supports with planning, training, material and a lot more. In that matter, the people in need take part from the start which increases sustainability of the initiatives.















These important people are doing the planning and follow-up of the self-help programs together with 12 other RN staff and local volunteers from each village. The self help programs involve about 60 000 people in the southern part of Zambia.



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