My name is Anna Kullendorff. My ordinary office is at Academic Work in Stockholm, and right now that feels pretty far away. Until the end of the year I will do voluntary work for Response Network in Zambia. I will be a guest writer at this blog and hopefully give you some insights from what all the hard working people at RN are doing.
It all started with an idea and willing to learn more about different cultures, different parts of the world and to contribute in one way or another to people who live under different circumstances – and also, a longing for adventure. I got in touch with Response Network through Academic Work. AW is a great sponsor to this self-help organization. So I and Joakim, my other half, both got the chance to get a leave of abscense from our ordinary jobs and took off to Zambia. Hopefully we will learn a lot. And even better – if we can give something in return!
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