Academic Work – Sweden – Visit to Response Network Zambia

Nothing better than avisible signpost to the brand new school!
Setting up camp for the night!
Very big welcome by the villagers at Namudimba community school!

21st, 22nd and 24th March 2012were special days in the Response Network calendar! Staff from Academic Work in Sweden, led by Katarina Linder, were in Zambia Livingstone to visit some of the many projects they have supported through Response Network. The projects visited were Makumba, Simbayi, and Namudimba community schools, Chinkozya and Siluyasila staff houses. Namudimba community school was handed over on 22nd March 2012.

Ready to cut the ribbon!

It was a colourful occasion at which the District Administration Officer (DAO) for Kazungula District, Mr Siachinji Muleya was Guest of Honour. He was representing the District Commissioner Mrs Pascalina Musokotwane who had been unable to attend due to other national commitments.

Katarina opening the new classroom

The handover of the classroom was done by the DAO together with Katarina from Academic work.

the girls listening attentively!

Saturday, 24th March 2012 was another special day for the girls under the school sponsorship program. 300 out of the 925 girls supported by Academic Work converged at Response Network offices to meet their sponsors! It was a memorable day in the lives of the girls! They had moments of interactions with the visitors whom they called “muzungu”, a Zambian word for “white” person.

Girls showing off their new uniforms!

It was gratifying to see them clapping each time they heard a familiar name from the introductions; names like Jessica, Sammy, Anna, Gina (which they mistook for Yna – from a filipino soap opera widely watched in Zambia!) The

Introductions and words of encouragement by Academic Work staff

A.W staff encouraged the children to work extra hard at school as this would make them prosper in life.

Academic Work staff help the girls put on their new uniforms
Girls receiving the sweets!

The meeting with the girls ended with the distribution of school uniforms. The girls were also happy to receive sweets – lollipops!

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