Sponsorship programme

This program provides scholarships to orphaned girls who have no one to pay their school fees. Most of the girls have been orphaned as a result of the HIV/AIDS pandemic that has affected about 30% of the adults in Livingstone. We now pay school expenses for girls in Livingstone. The girls give back to the community for the support they receive by helping the old people at Maramba old People’s home by cleaning the surrounding. The board of the Old People’s home provides cleaning materials for the work. Assembly is held twice a year and takes up topics such as child abuse, children’s rights, HIV/AIDS, health care, de-worming etc. Some girls joined Response Network after completing grade 12 and work as volunteers to run the every day activities. The Program depends on donations and funding from individuals. Sponsors from five countries are assisting the education of 600 girls in 2010. However, the need for scholarships is huge so many girls are turned away every year and cannot complete school. A donation of US$ 250 will pay school requisites, uniform, shoes and school fees for one year for a secondary school pupil. A junior pupil needs US $ 150.

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