Vote of thanks

Gad Kalila on the left

My name is Gad Kalila, I’m 10years old and I am in grade 4 at Konayuma Community School. I want to appreciate Response Network programme which have made it possible for our community school to be fully recognized by the government and Academic Work for donating building materials to build a 1×1 classroom block and office.

My elder brothers and sisters used to cover 15km going to Mulamfu Basic School which was the nearest school by that time. At the moment, we only cover 1 1/2km (one and a half kilometer) to reach Konayuma Community School. This has made it possible for most of the children to attain education in our area. The school is growing bigger and bigger from day to day. I have said so because already there is a strong and tantalizing building supported by academic work which has just been completed; it is the first time to have such a permanent structure in our community. Our parents are now organizing for a handover celebration which is likely to take place very soon.

Finally, I would like to urge Academic work to continue with the same spirit of helping the community; their support has changed most areas from bad to good.

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